This is where it goes downhill. I attached the PM conversation I had with him towards the end of this at the bottom.

May 05 14:27:00 <willy_>
May 05 14:27:06 <willy_> hardcase is same price
May 05 14:27:09 <willy_> check that one out also by SAM
May 05 14:28:06 <basepi> ya, 18 slot. i didn't go with the hard case because then if you have an oversized throw, it just *won't* fit. the soft cases can stretch a little
May 05 14:30:48 <willy_> how does one start a store
May 05 14:30:50 <willy_> like that
May 05 14:31:10 <willy_> id like to do that since i disabled now
May 05 14:31:16 <willy_> where i just sell and talk about yoyos all day
May 05 14:31:18 <willy_> online lol
May 05 14:31:37 <willy_> i have a EBAY store that has more positives then SAM just dont sell yoyos on it
May 05 14:31:49 <willy_> I dont know the first place to look to get a retailer that would let me middle man
May 05 14:37:03 <PatCondon> the thing is, the yoyo stores that are already here are really all that the market needs
May 05 14:37:12 <PatCondon> so it's really hard
May 05 14:37:33 <PatCondon> yoyoexpert and yoyobestbuy pretty much have the country on lock
May 05 14:41:22 <basepi> yep, you have to convince the manufacturers to ship to you, and then your margins are going to be very thin because you have to compete with the big sites.....rough for sure.
May 05 14:41:50 <PatCondon> and you have to get people to buy from your store in the first place
May 05 14:42:13 <willy_> not that hard
May 05 14:42:16 <PatCondon> even if it's cheaper, does it sponsor contests like YYE and YYBB? does it have a massive forum or sections to learn?
May 05 14:42:22 <willy_> i won 2.9 million in a settlement
May 05 14:42:30 <willy_> i can sponsor pro temas
May 05 14:42:31 <willy_> teams
May 05 14:42:38 <willy_> and probally even make my own brand
May 05 14:42:41 <willy_> lol
May 05 14:42:48 <willy_> but i was just wondering
May 05 14:42:49 <PatCondon> manufacturers usually provide the sponsorships, not the retailer
May 05 14:43:09 <willy_> I have access to the same machines that they make the yoyos with
May 05 14:43:24 <PatCondon> so do a lot of companies that fail
May 05 14:43:30 <willy_> Keltec gun manufactuer my relative works on the machines
May 05 14:43:35 <PatCondon> just putting that out there
May 05 14:43:39 <willy_> just the thing is
May 05 14:43:51 <willy_> having the program design of the yoyo
May 05 14:43:59 <willy_> the patent and geometrics of it
May 05 14:44:02 <willy_> on a disk
May 05 14:44:11 <willy_> then you upload to the machine and it molds each side
May 05 14:44:18 <willy_> total of 3 maches to make a yoyo
May 05 14:44:29 <willy_> they can make 90 metal yoyos in 20min
May 05 14:44:43 <willy_> those 150$ yoyos cost bought 1.50 to make
May 05 14:44:50 <willy_> + labor the person operating
May 05 14:44:55 <willy_> + paint
May 05 14:44:59 <willy_> etc
May 05 14:45:01 <basepi> All we're saying is that plenty of people with capital have started companies which have failed. Don't go into it thinking it will be easy. It will be hard, and there's a good chance you won't be able to compete in the space.
May 05 14:45:02 <PatCondon> **anodization
May 05 14:45:16 <willy_> I just want to be a
May 05 14:45:20 <willy_> retailer
May 05 14:45:26 <willy_> I have friends in high places on internet
May 05 14:45:33 <willy_> that own biggest SEO companys
May 05 14:45:40 <PatCondon> also, there are /so/ many threads to debunk the $1.50 price tag you just slapped on
May 05 14:45:59 <PatCondon> I think it was either onedrop or clyw, but there's a great writeup on the cost for every step of the way
May 05 14:45:59 <willy_> are the threads made by the owner of the company?
May 05 14:46:22 <basepi> well, you could easily make yoyo-shaped blobs of metal. but that doesn't mean it's going to play well.
May 05 14:46:24 <willy_> i worked in machine shop for YEARS
May 05 14:46:42 <PatCondon> uh huh?
May 05 14:46:42 <willy_> hense why i said you need the patent deasign
May 05 14:46:44 <willy_> or the code
May 05 14:46:52 <willy_> so the machine knows how to mold
May 05 14:46:59 <PatCondon> >mold
May 05 14:46:59 <willy_> trial and error
May 05 14:47:29 <basepi> high end yoyo's are machined, not molded.
May 05 14:47:55 <willy_> well when you put the METAL into the machine
May 05 14:47:59 <willy_> the machine molds the metal
May 05 14:48:04 <willy_> into the shape of the yoyo
May 05 14:48:09 <PatCondon> >not just sayind CNC lathe
May 05 14:48:10 <PatCondon> pls
May 05 14:48:28 <willy_> hense thsi conversation will not end with a agreement
May 05 14:48:34 <willy_> so its best just not to go further
May 05 14:48:37 <willy_> with this topic
May 05 14:49:02 <PatCondon> yeah, a wall doesn't have to try too hard for a tennis ball to bounce right off it, no matter how hard that tennis ball tries
May 05 14:49:03 * willy_ winks
May 05 14:52:50 <willy_>
May 05 14:53:09 <willy_>
May 05 14:53:14 <willy_> sencond link is better
May 05 14:53:20 <willy_> I use to work on those machines
May 05 14:53:24 <willy_> at factory down street
May 05 14:53:42 <willy_> i wsa the guy pressing in the decimals
May 05 14:54:07 <PatCondon> I don't think you understand.
May 05 14:54:15 <PatCondon> I don't disbeleive you
May 05 14:54:25 <PatCondon> you could likely make "90 yoyos in 20 minutes"
May 05 14:54:36 <PatCondon> but that's different from making anything worth buying
May 05 14:55:25 <willy_> this is how ONE DROP makes there yoyos
May 05 14:55:42 <basepi> precision is much higher. was just reading a thread where someone was asking about getting someone to machine their own design, and the thing i took away is that most machine shops don't have the precision to equal one drop
May 05 14:55:46 <willy_> anyways afk
May 05 14:56:18 <PatCondon> oh god
May 05 14:56:18 <PatCondon> [15:48] <willy_> with this topic
May 05 14:56:18 <PatCondon> [15:48] <willy_> so its best just not to go further
May 05 14:56:18 <PatCondon> [15:48] <willy_> with this topic
May 05 14:56:23 <PatCondon> oh god oh god
May 05 14:56:30 <basepi> hahahaha
May 05 14:56:57 <PatCondon> did you just try the "this is the car ken block uses so I can drive like him" card
May 05 14:57:24 <PatCondon> you got excited over a $40 Hour and thought that ripple bearings would help
May 05 14:57:36 <PatCondon> as I've stated,
May 05 14:57:47 <PatCondon> I don't disbeleive that you could machine yoyos
May 05 14:57:59 <PatCondon> I'm saying that I doubt they'd be well designed
May 05 15:25:48 <imkyo_> willy, you've lost your damn mind dude
May 05 15:27:14 <imkyo_> we can compare manufacturing resumes if you want, I promise you I'll win... nobody is making metal yoyos for $1.50
May 05 15:27:34 <imkyo_> not even the chinese stuff is that cheap to produce
May 05 15:29:03 <imkyo_> the material alone costs more than that
May 05 15:29:27 <imkyo_> the fact that you think 'mold' is a proper term speaks a lot to how little you know about it
May 05 15:30:00 <imkyo_> I'll agree that many yo-yos are over priced, but not that far
May 05 15:30:24 <imkyo_> and you're nuts to assume that production costs are the only factor in pricing any product
May 05 15:40:30 <willy_> i lost my mind?
May 05 15:40:49 <willy_> now you guys are making fun of me because i got a yoyo for cheap
May 05 15:40:52 <willy_> and asked a question
May 05 15:41:06 <willy_> and i said the prices of yoyos are high because of DEMAND
May 05 15:41:17 <imkyo_> I'm after you because you made ridiculous claims
May 05 15:41:24 <willy_> oh?
May 05 15:41:30 <willy_> i did
May 05 15:41:46 <willy_> I worked in machine shop with someeeeeeee MACHINES they use to make yoyos
May 05 15:41:51 <willy_> same*
May 05 15:41:58 <imkyo_> OMG NO WAI?!
May 05 15:42:01 <willy_> but I made PLR-16's
May 05 15:42:04 <willy_> and PF9 slides
May 05 15:42:05 <willy_> for guns
May 05 15:42:07 <imkyo_> it's not like I've been making yo-yos for 10 years.
May 05 15:42:13 <willy_> you have?
May 05 15:42:19 <willy_> whats the name of machine you use
May 05 15:42:28 <willy_> I use to be head programer at keltech
May 05 15:42:31 <imkyo_> or have -extensive- experience in the manufacturing of everything from oil rigs to safety release bearings, etc.
May 05 15:42:33 <willy_> for those machines
May 05 15:42:50 <imkyo_> kyo yo-yos, google it.
May 05 15:42:56 <willy_> sec
May 05 15:43:01 <imkyo_> I've been around a long time
May 05 15:43:06 <imkyo_> I know what costs are
May 05 15:43:32 <imkyo_> even the absolutely bottom end, baseline, cheap metal yo-yos.. stuff from duncan for instance, made in china, costs more than $1.50 to make.
May 05 15:44:05 <willy_> it does?
May 05 15:44:16 <willy_> will you be able to bet your domain nameserver password on that
May 05 15:44:24 <willy_> to redirect to
May 05 15:44:26 <imkyo_> yes, since I've done their production.
May 05 15:44:30 <willy_> k
May 05 15:44:37 <willy_> evidence
May 05 15:44:40 <willy_> if im wrong
May 05 15:44:40 <imkyo_> the metal alone costs more than that.
May 05 15:44:43 <willy_> 1500$ paypal
May 05 15:44:44 <willy_> gift
May 05 15:44:51 <willy_> you said ducan yoyo
May 05 15:44:56 <PatCondon> imkyo_, when you're done, I'm kicking willy_ for linking to meatspin
May 05 15:45:03 <willy_> go ahead
May 05 15:45:05 <willy_> idc
May 05 15:45:06 <imkyo_> I did, but um.. you know I've worked for duncan right?
May 05 15:45:08 <willy_> im most active user in here
May 05 15:45:09 <PatCondon> take your time, just let me know when you're done
May 05 15:45:49 <willy_> i even think i could buyout domain just to troll you
May 05 15:46:02 <willy_> like i said this convo wouldnt lead to anything good
May 05 15:46:07 <willy_> and you pursued it
May 05 15:46:17 <imkyo_> we could just start here, with material costs. Mcmastercarr is a very well known, well respected materials supplier.
May 05 15:46:19 <willy_> money talks and i got a <censored> ton of it
May 05 15:46:23 <CarlG> >spending money on an IRC argument
May 05 15:46:25 <CarlG> *snicker*
May 05 15:46:32 <imkyo_> no you don't, yesterday you were whining about not being able to pay bail
May 05 15:46:36 <PatCondon> imkyo_, please wreck him one last time so I can ban him
May 05 15:46:42 <willy_> pat
May 05 15:46:45 <willy_> please set gline
May 05 15:46:48 * CarlG ooooooooooohs at that burn
May 05 15:46:49 <willy_> so i never come back to this place
May 05 15:46:53 <CarlG> you're funny
May 05 15:46:56 <CarlG> he isn't IRCop
May 05 15:47:02 <CarlG> He's only chanop
May 05 15:47:05 <willy_> oh
May 05 15:47:08 <PatCondon> lol
May 05 15:47:09 <CarlG> only ircops can set gline
May 05 15:47:20 <willy_> well set perm ban then
May 05 15:47:20 <imkyo_> willy_ you were -just- freaking out about not being able to post bail (again) the other day.. now you magically have money?
May 05 15:47:23 <CarlG> trying to use technical terms without knowing what you're talking about
May 05 15:47:26 <CarlG> gg
May 05 15:47:30 <imkyo_> but anyway, back to our conversation
May 05 15:47:38 <imkyo_> $27/ft for aluminum barstock
May 05 15:48:15 <imkyo_> if you ran perfectly on material usage, you'd get maybe 6 yoyos out of that
May 05 15:48:23 <imkyo_> $4.50
May 05 15:48:24 <imkyo_> you lose.
May 05 15:48:33 <imkyo_> now, I'll grant you that in massive bulk, the price drops
May 05 15:48:38 <imkyo_> but not -that- much
May 05 15:48:47 <PatCondon> well, he was talking about making 90 yoyos in 20 minutes
May 05 15:49:06 <basepi> 13 seconds per yoyo!
May 05 15:49:14 <willy_> yep
May 05 15:49:15 <basepi> sounds legit.
May 05 15:49:19 <willy_> assembly lines
May 05 15:49:24 <imkyo_> ...
May 05 15:49:25 <CarlG> gggggggggggggggggg
May 05 15:49:27 <imkyo_> no machine turns that fast
May 05 15:49:33 <willy_> like i said i rather not even speak of this topic
May 05 15:49:37 <CarlG> I need popcorn
May 05 15:49:37 <willy_> what good will come of this
May 05 15:49:43 <willy_> besides being mad at each other
May 05 15:49:43 <imkyo_> I know you'd rather not, you have no information to go on
May 05 15:49:48 <imkyo_> you're flat out wrong
May 05 15:49:49 <willy_> and trolling and flameing chat
May 05 15:49:57 <imkyo_> and I'm just going down the list of why
May 05 15:50:04 <willy_> yet you have no physical evidence i am wrong or right
May 05 15:50:06 <willy_> your just tlaking
May 05 15:50:08 <imkyo_> yes I do
May 05 15:50:11 <PatCondon> wut
May 05 15:50:12 <imkyo_> I just linked it dumbass
May 05 15:50:13 <CarlG> I'm only pretending to be retarded
May 05 15:50:15 <basepi> but....he just showed real world prices....
May 05 15:50:48 <imkyo_> show me cheaper material costs or you owe me $1500
May 05 15:51:01 <willy_> theres also hybrid plastic
May 05 15:51:04 <willy_> in consideration
May 05 15:51:07 <imkyo_> no there isn't
May 05 15:51:11 <imkyo_> we are talking about metal yoyos
May 05 15:51:33 <imkyo_> since that's the topic YOU started
May 05 15:51:36 <willy_> alloy
May 05 15:51:40 <imkyo_> now you're just running away from it
May 05 15:51:44 <imkyo_> because you have no idea what you're talking about
May 05 15:52:05 <willy_> i worked in machine shop for 10 years running machines of mass production of guns
May 05 15:52:07 <imkyo_> 6061-t6 aluminum yoyos, since that's the most common metal used
May 05 15:52:08 <PatCondon> DAMAGE CONTROL
May 05 15:52:15 <imkyo_> good for you
May 05 15:52:46 <imkyo_> I've worked in the engineering and manufacturing department of the largest company -in the world-
May 05 15:52:52 <willy_> if I could make 290 gun parts to assemble
May 05 15:53:00 <willy_> wich is WAY more advanced then making a yoyo
May 05 15:53:03 * johnthejwolfe ( has joined #yoyoexpert
May 05 15:53:11 <willy_> using chrome and other expensive matts
May 05 15:53:20 <imkyo_> either answer my material costs or just stop dude
May 05 15:53:28 <imkyo_> there is no argument here
May 05 15:53:50 <imkyo_> also, chrome is a plating, not a material, but go on
May 05 15:54:18 <willy_> once the machine is programed to the specific yoyo demension
May 05 15:54:23 <willy_> you can pump out tons per 10min
May 05 15:54:30 <willy_> then it goes to next person
May 05 15:54:35 <PatCondon> I'm starting to think he worked at this shop of his as a book keeper
May 05 15:54:47 <imkyo_> pat, no then he would know what costs were
May 05 15:54:51 <imkyo_> janitor maybe
May 05 15:54:52 <PatCondon> oh yeah
May 05 15:54:55 <willy_> im starting to think no matter what i say doesnt matter because im new
May 05 15:54:57 <willy_> and your friends
May 05 15:55:06 <willy_> and even if i was or am right
May 05 15:55:08 <imkyo_> it doesn't matter what you say because you're an idiot, not because you're new
May 05 15:55:08 <willy_> wouldnt matter either
May 05 15:55:15 <PatCondon> that has nothing to do with anything
May 05 15:55:25 <willy_> now im a idiot because my caculation of production speed of a yoyo
May 05 15:55:30 <willy_> may or may not be correct
May 05 15:55:31 <imkyo_> you haven't address the absolute most basic question
May 05 15:55:31 <PatCondon> imkyo has never hesitated to tell me when I'm full of crap
May 05 15:55:32 <willy_> thanks
May 05 15:55:33 <basepi> You're making claims, and you won't accept hard evidence to refute them!
May 05 15:55:40 <PatCondon> granted, that's been a small amount of times
May 05 15:55:50 <imkyo_> I presnted a massive flaw in your claim, you have done NOTHING to refute it in any way
May 05 15:55:52 <willy_> the only evidence he has shown me is diferent kinds of alluminum
May 05 15:55:57 <PatCondon>
May 05 15:56:04 <willy_> lol
May 05 15:56:13 <CarlG>
May 05 15:56:16 <imkyo_> no, I showed you the COST for material to make a yoyo
May 05 15:56:17 <basepi>
May 05 15:56:25 <willy_> link again
May 05 15:56:29 <CarlG>
May 05 15:56:33 <willy_> because the link i went to just showed diferent alloys
May 05 15:56:35 <willy_> with no prices
May 05 15:56:54 <imkyo_> oh, that link is weird, it directs to the materials page instead of the product
May 05 15:57:02 <imkyo_> click on 6061 aluminum
May 05 15:57:09 <willy_> THANK YOU
May 05 15:57:09 <imkyo_> 2 1/8" bar
May 05 15:57:21 <willy_> and this is the matts you used
May 05 15:57:23 <willy_> in machine shop
May 05 15:57:28 <willy_> in duncan factory?
May 05 15:57:28 <imkyo_> $27/ft
May 05 15:57:50 <basepi> 6061 is the most commonly used aluminum to create yoyos
May 05 15:57:51 <imkyo_> I already address that in mass quantity, the prices drop a bit, but not so low as to be less than $3/yoyo
May 05 15:58:00 <imkyo_> 6061 is what duncan uses, yes
May 05 15:58:01 * johnthejwolfe has quit (Quit: johnthejwolfe)
May 05 15:58:15 * johnthejwolfe ( has joined #yoyoexpert
May 05 15:58:34 <imkyo_> it's also what everybody else uses, with a few exceptions that use 7075 (which is generally more expensive)
May 05 15:58:34 <willy_> k you may have corrected me there on the 1.50$ a pop to make but in the sentence I also did say "labor matts" etc
May 05 15:58:49 <willy_> and you guys just teamed up on me slamming me
May 05 15:58:57 <willy_> i thought you guys were really cool peeps
May 05 15:59:00 <imkyo_> [14:44] <willy_> those 150$ yoyos cost bought 1.50 to make
May 05 15:59:00 <imkyo_> [14:44] <willy_> + labor the person operating
May 05 15:59:00 <imkyo_> [14:44] <willy_> + paint
May 05 15:59:15 <imkyo_> thats' what you said
May 05 15:59:20 <willy_> +
May 05 15:59:32 <imkyo_> which implies teh 1.50 is cost, plus labor which we haven't address, or ANODIZING (not paint)
May 05 15:59:47 <willy_> let me find example of how much one weighs
May 05 15:59:52 <imkyo_> 60g
May 05 15:59:55 <imkyo_> without hardware
May 05 15:59:56 <imkyo_> on average
May 05 15:59:59 <willy_> 60grams of allum is what
May 05 16:00:05 <CarlG> We ARE cool "peeps" we just, like, dislike incorrrect information 'n' stuff
May 05 16:00:07 <imkyo_> wait, you think production is by weight?
May 05 16:00:08 <PatCondon> willy_, it isn't gangin up on you just because /everyone else here/ knows your're wrong
May 05 16:00:14 <basepi> you can't produce just by weight
May 05 16:00:16 <imkyo_> it's machined from bar stock.
May 05 16:00:18 <basepi> have to carve it out of a single pice
May 05 16:00:19 <willy_> well you could have went about it a diferent way
May 05 16:00:20 <imkyo_> you have to pay for the bar stock.
May 05 16:00:20 <basepi> piece*
May 05 16:00:31 <willy_> and go "hey imkyo_ use to work for duncan maybe hed know"
May 05 16:00:46 <basepi> willy_: we only ganged up on you when you started betting $1500 and linking porn
May 05 16:00:47 <willy_> but no you just bluntly went into flame
May 05 16:00:53 <imkyo_> you made insane claims, made bigger ones to back it up, ranted a lot, then challenged me directly
May 05 16:01:03 <imkyo_> you owe me $1500.
May 05 16:01:22 <imkyo_> <willy_> if im wrong
May 05 16:01:22 <imkyo_> [15:44] <imkyo_> the metal alone costs more than that.
May 05 16:01:22 <imkyo_> [15:44] <willy_> 1500$ paypal
May 05 16:01:22 <imkyo_> [15:44] <willy_> gift
May 05 16:01:28 <willy_> sec
May 05 16:02:37 <imkyo_> I'll give you my paypal address whenever you're ready to pay :)
May 05 16:02:53 <willy_> imkyo_> I've been around a long time
May 05 16:02:53 <willy_> <imkyo_> I know what costs are
May 05 16:02:53 <willy_> <imkyo_> even the absolutely bottom end, baseline, cheap metal yo-yos.. stuff from duncan for instance, made in china, costs more than $1.50 to make.
May 05 16:02:53 <willy_> <willy_> it does?
May 05 16:02:53 <willy_> <willy_> will you be able to bet your domain nameserver password on that
May 05 16:02:53 <willy_> <willy_> to redirect to
May 05 16:02:53 <willy_> <imkyo_> yes, since I've done their production.
May 05 16:03:17 <willy_> factory you worked at
May 05 16:03:18 <willy_> and #
May 05 16:03:23 <willy_> to confirm
May 05 16:03:26 <willy_> and paypal email
May 05 16:03:37 <imkyo_> confirm which part? that I have worked for duncan?
May 05 16:03:38 <willy_> and employee id
May 05 16:03:47 * LordCanti ( has joined #yoyoexpert
May 05 16:03:50 <basepi>
May 05 16:03:53 <PatCondon> LordCanti, hit the deck
May 05 16:03:54 <willy_> that was part of the bet wasnt it
May 05 16:04:02 <PatCondon> there's a bunker thattaway
May 05 16:04:11 <imkyo_> how about a link to their patent with my name on it?
May 05 16:04:18 * LordCanti IN.
May 05 16:04:22 <imkyo_> the one they pay me royalties for every quarter
May 05 16:04:51 <johnthejwolfe> !
May 05 16:04:57 <LordCanti> ?
May 05 16:05:01 <basepi> #
May 05 16:05:03 <willy_> so far this doesnt say you worked for duncan at all
May 05 16:05:13 <willy_> says you worked for some other company
May 05 16:05:18 <willy_> hold on i have there #
May 05 16:05:19 <basepi> it's a wiki page man
May 05 16:05:22 <basepi> his name is on patents
May 05 16:05:27 <willy_> ill skype converence call
May 05 16:05:28 <willy_> if you want
May 05 16:05:39 <basepi> "had his hand in the design of the Duncan Screaming Eagle line"
May 05 16:05:43 <LordCanti> ...think I missed something.
May 05 16:05:51 <basepi> LordCanti: imkyo_ is laying down the law.
May 05 16:05:54 <CarlG> check your irc messages
May 05 16:06:04 <willy_> nothing
May 05 16:06:13 <LordCanti> How?
May 05 16:06:24 <CarlG> my name should be blinking, near where it says #yoyoexpert
May 05 16:06:55 <imkyo_> willy_ , I designed the first screaming eagle yoyo, I designed the phoenix diabolo which they still pay me for, I designed their yet-to-be released metal spintops, I designed the spinning sidecap yoyo they made, and the magnetic hubstack yoyo they made
May 05 16:07:15 * You are now known as imkyo
May 05 16:07:22 <willy_> read your PM
May 05 16:07:23 <LordCanti> Oh yea I'll see what it does.
May 05 16:08:52 <LordCanti> I did.
May 05 16:11:47 * LordCanti decides he needs popcorn for this and decides to go make some.
May 05 16:13:14 <CarlG> LordCanti: I'vbe had some for a while
May 05 16:13:16 <CarlG> I'm almost out :<
May 05 16:14:20 <imkyo> just to prove this in front of everybody.
May 05 16:15:44 * LordCanti gives some of his popcorn to CarlG
May 05 16:16:05 <imkyo> I should point out that there is some insane backpeddaling going on
May 05 16:16:07 <imkyo> in pm
May 05 16:17:03 <CarlG> You should give him bad trade feedback if he doesn't go through
May 05 16:17:04 <CarlG> ( )
May 05 16:17:25 <imkyo> haha
May 05 16:17:31 <PatCondon> imkyo, this is just damage control time
May 05 16:17:46 <PatCondon> I checked my spy kids calcluator watch and everything
May 05 16:17:59 <imkyo> there is a pity party happening now
May 05 16:18:25 <PatCondon> I want to remind the jury that willy_ was excited about a $40 Werrd Hour earlier today
May 05 16:18:41 <PatCondon> which, by his reasoning, should be a total ripoff that he'd never consider in his entire existance
May 05 16:20:45 <willy_> hey guys
May 05 16:21:08 <willy_> I was just wanted applogize for all that
May 05 16:21:19 <willy_> and that im just having really bad day and all
May 05 16:21:30 <willy_> and I really enjoy chatting about yoyos with you guys
May 05 16:21:37 <willy_> even if i was right or wrong
May 05 16:21:45 <willy_> I still wish to continue to get to know you guys better
May 05 16:21:46 <imkyo> wrong, let's make that bit clear
May 05 16:21:58 <willy_> and imkyo is very wise man wit yoyos
May 05 16:22:29 <willy_> and I went little overboard
May 05 16:22:33 <willy_> and over my own head
May 05 16:22:40 <willy_> and didnt mean to affend or make anyone upset
May 05 16:23:00 <willy_> and I do wish to continue idleing and chatting with you gentlemen
May 05 16:23:17 <willy_> But if you do wish to never see me again I will part
May 05 16:23:18 <imkyo> it's all good man, let's move on
May 05 16:23:24 <willy_> Im just having a bad day is all
May 05 16:23:27 <willy_> relaly really bad day
May 05 16:23:46 <willy_> and im under influence of alot of pain meds for my neck
May 05 16:23:56 <willy_> and just got out of holding cell for 12 hours
May 05 16:24:12 <willy_> with people vomiting and fighting each other and i took the convo overboard a tad
May 05 16:24:18 <willy_> well not a tad alot
May 05 16:24:49 <willy_> and I wish to continue like i said chatting with you fine gentlmen and I really enjoy discussing yoyos and tricks and help others that may come and go
May 05 16:25:28 <PatCondon> willy_, despite that, I want to remind you that you did resort to language that isn't allowed in this channel, and linked to pornography twice
May 05 16:25:39 <willy_> I understand that
May 05 16:25:44 <PatCondon> those are serious bannable offenses
May 05 16:25:46 <willy_> and I am truly sorry
May 05 16:25:50 <willy_> if you must ban me
May 05 16:25:53 <willy_> then do what you have to do
May 05 16:26:02 <PatCondon> and I'm considering wether I want to follow up on that
May 05 16:26:16 <willy_> I ensure you that it will not happen again
May 05 16:26:21 <PatCondon> see, you're a fine guy most of the time, which is why I'd never consider a permaban
May 05 16:26:42 <CarlG>
May 05 16:26:43 <PatCondon> we really like to keep people in the yoyo community around, and those who use the IRC even more so
May 05 16:27:07 <willy_> I am very good at getting people to join the community
May 05 16:27:15 <PatCondon> seeing as you're pretty calmed down now, I'm not going to issue a 24hr temp ban that I usually place on people who need to cool down
May 05 16:27:15 <willy_> and to chat
May 05 16:27:15 <johnthejwolfe> doublecash
May 05 16:27:18 <PatCondon> so I guess you're set
May 05 16:27:33 <willy_> if you would reconsider
May 05 16:27:35 <willy_> a 24hour ban
May 05 16:27:39 <willy_> would be much apperciated
May 05 16:27:50 <imkyo> here is my patent for anybody interested btw.. took a bit to find it..
May 05 16:27:59 <PatCondon> nah
May 05 16:28:14 <PatCondon> I think you're a big guy that can handle not coming here if he knows he's going to be trouble
May 05 16:28:24 <imkyo> as you can see, owned by flambeau
May 05 16:28:57 <PatCondon> though if you seriously think you'll need it, I'll do it
May 05 16:29:19 <willy_> imkyo
May 05 16:29:28 <willy_> I had a good idea for a design for a yoyo
May 05 16:29:36 <willy_> how or who would i go about talking to
May 05 16:29:40 <willy_> to have a prototype made
May 05 16:29:50 <imkyo> check teh prototype section
May 05 16:29:53 <willy_> I ran all backgrounds on ya and seen you worked in prototypes
May 05 16:30:03 <willy_> and money isnt a thing
May 05 16:30:05 <imkyo> apparently my e keys works faster than my h key today
May 05 16:30:32 <willy_> and lets say this yoyo we make is really good
May 05 16:30:38 <willy_> how would we go about getting it to be produced
May 05 16:30:43 <willy_> and sold on webpages
May 05 16:30:48 <johnthejwolfe> TRIPPPLECASH
May 05 16:31:02 <LordCanti> Hey PatCondon do those spy kids calculator watch things tell time? If so the time is *5:39
May 05 16:31:05 <imkyo> I can do production too, but have to have something that works first
May 05 16:31:22 <willy_> may i whisper you
May 05 16:31:22 <LordCanti> Sorry had to do it :P
May 05 16:31:24 <willy_> of this design
May 05 16:31:26 <willy_> and go about doing it
May 05 16:33:13 * LordCanti ( has left #yoyoexpert
May 05 16:35:29 * LordCanti ( has joined #yoyoexpert
May 05 16:36:58 * basepi has quit (Quit: ZNC -
May 05 16:37:12 * johnthejwolfe has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
May 05 16:37:24 * LordCanti has quit (Quit: LordCanti)
May 05 16:37:55 * LordCanti ( has joined #yoyoexpert
May 05 16:38:29 * LordCanti has quit (Quit: LordCanti)
May 05 16:40:58 * basepi ( has joined #yoyoexpert
May 05 16:41:34 * basepi is now known as Unidentified48460
May 05 16:42:01 * LordCanti ( has joined #yoyoexpert
May 05 16:42:56 <willy_> Lordcanti
May 05 16:43:02 * Unidentified48460 is now known as basepi
May 05 16:43:05 <willy_> are you using a browser to connect to
May 05 16:43:10 <willy_> this chat room?
May 05 16:43:18 <basepi> no
May 05 16:43:20 <basepi> oh, whoops
May 05 16:43:32 <basepi> sorry, misread
May 05 16:46:06 <LordCanti> Yes
May 05 16:46:27 <LordCanti> My phone actually
May 05 16:46:42 <imkyo> this is insanely awesome.,9.50,109.3
May 05 16:48:57 <LordCanti> Crashes a lot.
May 05 16:49:22 <PatCondon> LordCanti, grab a phone IRC client instead of using mibbit
May 05 16:49:30 <PatCondon> you'll be better off in nearly every facet of life
May 05 16:49:34 <PatCondon> babes will find you hot
May 05 16:49:37 <PatCondon> and you'll have money
May 05 16:49:52 <PatCondon> you'll have all the spy kids calculator watches you could ever want
May 05 16:51:01 <CarlG>
May 05 16:52:03 <LordCanti> What is a good client (another problem phone REALLY dislikes google play store thing(says it can't connect))
May 05 16:54:21 <LordCanti> Plus I can multi-task using it in my browser.
May 05 16:55:24 <LordCanti> ...even though my phone crashes a lot.
May 05 16:57:30 <LordCanti> gonna go try it, back in 15ish.
May 05 17:02:35 * LordCanti has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
May 05 17:02:43 <willy_> WEll guys I gues im being banned for 48 hours
May 05 17:02:53 <willy_> Patcondon has to do it?
May 05 17:02:55 <willy_> instead of warning
May 05 17:03:00 <willy_> because of policy
May 05 17:03:06 <willy_> im sorry
May 05 17:03:11 <PatCondon> willy_, you know better than to think linking pornography warrants just a warning
May 05 17:03:21 <willy_> I didnt know
May 05 17:03:24 <willy_> but now I do
May 05 17:03:29 <willy_> because you just told me
May 05 17:03:30 * PatCondon sets ban on *!*@*.FCE5A921.B7AF696C.IP
May 05 17:03:41 * PatCondon has kicked willy_ from #yoyoexpert (PatCondon)


This was going on via PM towards the end of that exchange.

**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon May 5 16:06:17 2014

[willy_ has address ~kingewee@1A76A29A.FCE5A921.B7AF696C.IP]
May 05 16:06:17 <willy_> paypal email to
May 05 16:06:25 <willy_> i have 32,000$ in bitcoin
May 05 16:06:33 <willy_> im transfering from wallet to currency
May 05 16:06:39 <willy_> if you are telling the truth
May 05 16:06:47 <willy_> but the bet was you worked for DUNCAN
May 05 16:06:52 <willy_> not subcontracted thru a diferent company
May 05 16:07:08 <imkyo_> right
May 05 16:07:08 * You must identify to a registered nick to private message willy_
May 05 16:07:16 -NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
May 05 16:07:16 -NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
May 05 16:07:16 -NickServ- please choose a different nick.
May 05 16:07:16 -NickServ- If you do not change within one minute, I will change your nick.
May 05 16:07:20 >nickserv< identify ****
May 05 16:07:21 * sets mode +r imkyo
May 05 16:07:21 -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
May 05 16:07:25 <imkyo> right
May 05 16:07:45 <willy_> now if you are not employee of OFFFICAL duncan
May 05 16:07:50 <willy_> you hold your end?
May 05 16:07:58 <willy_> :)
May 05 16:08:07 <imkyo> to make this very clean, duncan is a name used by flambeau
May 05 16:08:12 <imkyo> who is the actual company
May 05 16:08:16 <imkyo> clear*
May 05 16:09:51 <imkyo> one sec, uploading proof
May 05 16:10:00 <willy_> dont need to
May 05 16:10:03 <willy_> im on phone with them as we speak
May 05 16:10:07 <willy_> :)
May 05 16:10:23 <willy_> you have any employee ID or history
May 05 16:10:30 <willy_> or extention number
May 05 16:10:33 <willy_> i should talk to?
May 05 16:10:40 <willy_> or do you wish to just stop this?
May 05 16:10:41 <imkyo> I'm a contractor for them, I don't have an id number.. talk to mike burke
May 05 16:10:44 <imkyo> or brandon jackson
May 05 16:10:59 <willy_> your a subcontractor and do not work directly for duncan
May 05 16:11:13 <imkyo> yes, I do
May 05 16:11:25 <willy_> actually im not even wasting my time
May 05 16:11:33 <willy_> no point in argueing or anything
May 05 16:11:37 <imkyo> I'm uploading my royalty checks now
May 05 16:11:42 <willy_> sorry if I affended you in anyway
May 05 16:11:46 <willy_> this is one giant waste of time
May 05 16:11:54 <willy_> all i wanted to do is meet friends that yoyo as well
May 05 16:12:03 <willy_> and I was reading into actually costs of YOYO creations
May 05 16:12:12 <willy_> and read some yoyos used mixed alloys
May 05 16:12:16 <willy_> and it only costs 1.50
May 05 16:12:18 <willy_> to create
May 05 16:12:42 <imkyo> don't run now
May 05 16:12:44 <willy_> and the channel operator decided to take this really far
May 05 16:12:45 <imkyo> you started this shit
May 05 16:12:51 <willy_> i didnt start anything
May 05 16:12:56 <willy_> it was just flamed into this
May 05 16:13:07 <willy_> all i have to do is press X at the top right wich im about to do
May 05 16:13:13 <willy_> and i wish we would have met on better terms
May 05 16:13:19 <willy_> and could have been good friends
May 05 16:13:28 <willy_> because I was planning on desgining yoyos myself
May 05 16:13:39 <willy_> I got enough stress in my life
May 05 16:13:46 <willy_> ya know?
May 05 16:14:12 <willy_> i didnt come to this chat to make enemys or fueds i came here to talk to toher people that share the same hobbie
May 05 16:14:33 <willy_> but I was intrested into how much it would cost to produce these yoyos because I use to do program design work on huge machiens for guns
May 05 16:14:55 <imkyo> if you were interested in knowning things, you ask, you don't make stupid claims and start ranting about it
May 05 16:14:56 <willy_> and now everyone hates me in there because i asked a question and was 2$ off
May 05 16:15:22 <willy_> I read it cost 1.50$ to produce mixed alloys yoyos and claim there allum
May 05 16:15:35 <willy_> and use a molding machine that uses coolants to mold them
May 05 16:15:38 <willy_> right?
May 05 16:15:47 <willy_> and then blew up
May 05 16:15:48 <imkyo> yoyos are machined, not molded
May 05 16:15:56 <willy_> ya thats what i mean
May 05 16:15:57 <willy_> Machined
May 05 16:16:03 <willy_> sorry im on alot of pain medications
May 05 16:16:09 <willy_> I have 12 screws threw my neck
May 05 16:16:18 <willy_> on 250 mg of morphine drip
May 05 16:16:30 <willy_> and I just got out of jail 6 hours ago
May 05 16:16:33 <imkyo> sorry to hear that, am I supposed to feel sorry for you now?
May 05 16:16:34 <willy_> for something i didnt even do
May 05 16:16:38 <willy_> no
May 05 16:16:49 <willy_> just letting you know im having bad day
May 05 16:16:53 <imkyo> I get that you -very quickly- got in way over your head in this conversation
May 05 16:16:56 <willy_> and that I do applologize
May 05 16:16:58 <imkyo> but you are teh on who escalated it
May 05 16:17:13 <imkyo> you could have gone with 'oh, my bad'
May 05 16:17:18 <imkyo> but you charged on
May 05 16:17:34 <willy_> once again I am on morphine drop and under influence of hard narcotics
May 05 16:17:58 <willy_> and like Ill say again I do applogize and wish to continue being friends
May 05 16:18:20 <imkyo> I don't hold grudges
May 05 16:18:20 <willy_> if you do not wish to I will leave the chat and wont ever see me again
May 05 16:18:35 <imkyo> you made yourself look like a total ass, that's not my problem
May 05 16:18:45 <willy_> I dont mind
May 05 16:18:48 <willy_> lol
May 05 16:18:51 <willy_> im on morphine
May 05 16:18:53 <willy_> i feel like
May 05 16:18:55 <willy_> idk
May 05 16:19:11 <willy_> you ever taken like a pain pill
May 05 16:19:14 <willy_> that really really good feeling
May 05 16:19:23 <imkyo> I'm quite familiar with pain meds
May 05 16:19:23 <willy_> and i just enjoy chatting about yoyos
May 05 16:19:33 <willy_> ya they just now GAVE me xanax to
May 05 16:19:35 <willy_> 90 of em
May 05 16:19:47 <imkyo> make you a deal
May 05 16:19:56 <willy_> sup sup
May 05 16:20:17 <imkyo> apologize to -everybody- in the chat, explain that you just got in over your head in an argument while having a bad day, and I'll drop it
May 05 16:20:32 <willy_> ya i have no problem doing that mate
May 05 16:20:38 <willy_> im a grown adult lol
May 05 16:20:40 <willy_> ya know?
May 05 16:25:01 <willy_> :)